Licores da Amazônia
Our liqueurs are made with typical Amazon rainforest fruits. We produce more than 20 flavors from different fruits, valuing the regional/local biodiversity.
Along with having higher viscosity, due to the amount of fruit used, our products are 100% natural. We don’t use coloring, making them top quality.
Our feedstock is acquired through the city of Manaus producers and surroundings, seeking to create more opportunities for the Amazon people.
A land of gems.
Located in northwest Brazil, Manaus is a state placed right in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Characterized by tropicality, it gathers a series of unique landscapes, capable of charming locals and tourists.
Between its natural beauties, there are thicket forests, blackwater and muddy rivers, waterfalls, freshwater beaches, hills, and mountains.
It is in this place, full of gems, that the most flavorful and eccentric liqueurs of the country come from.
Get to know our flavors
Liqueurs available in sizes of 75 ml
Get to know our flavors
Amazon liqueurs in media
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Rua dos Japoneses, nº 500 - Parque Dez de Novembro (Manaus) CEP: 69054-650
+55 (92) 99400-7942
+55 (92) 3236 8091